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Rhinoplasty FAQs

Where is the surgery performed?
The surgery is performed at ambulatory surgery centers that are accredited by the Association for ambulatory healthcare and Medicare and are located on or near campus of major hospitals where the doctors have admitting privileges.

Can the surgery be done at a hospital?
Yes. Dr. Pinsky is on staff at several local hospitals.

What type of anesthesia do you use?
Usually only general anesthesia is needed, although rhinoplasty may on some occasions be performed with local anesthesia and sedation.

Will I be charged for follow up appointments? Is the cost of medications included in the final cost?
There will be no charge for postoperative appointments. Medication costs are not included but may be offset by your health insurance.

When can I eat after surgery?
You will be able to have liquids the night of surgery, and progress as tolerated to solid food.

When can I drive?
When you are no longer taking pain medication.

How long is the surgery?
Typically, face lift surgery takes 3 to 4 hours. It may be longer if combined with other procedures.

Under what circumstances do I need to say overnight?
If a patient wishes, they may stay overnight. For longer procedures, Dr. Pinsky may advise the patient to stay overnight.

Will you need to break my nose?
Often, nasal surgery may involve correction of the shape of the bone and the upper part of your nose. In some cases, the bone is broken to achieve your desired result

Will nasal surgery, affect my breathing, or sense of smell?
If you are having difficulty breathing, correction of a deviated septum may improve your breathing. Your sense of smell will not be altered.

How many times can I have nasal surgery performed?
Hopefully only once, as it becomes increasingly more difficult and with greater risks of the procedure.