Home/Face/Brow/Forehead Lift

The upper eyelid and eyebrow are intimately intertwined. Some patients who seek a consultation for eyelid surgery learn that the improvement in appearance they desire may include a brow/forehead lift in place of, or in addition to, an eyelid lift. Patients typically consider the removal of excess skin and fat excess as the primary procedure. However the lid and the brow are not mutually exclusive—and successful rejuvenation of them must be addressed together. Surgery on one directly affects the shape, contour and function, of the other. A low position of the eyebrow can contribute to, or worsen the appearance of heavy upper lids. Both must be addressed to achieve the best result.

Both genetics and aging can play a role in the condition and position of your forehead, brow line, and eyelids. Brows that have descended can make you look worried, tired, or sad. A brow lift repositions the soft tissue of the forehead and raises the brow line to a more youthful position. The natural arch of the eyebrows can also be restored by lifting the forehead skin and lax muscles, creating a more refreshed expression. Frown lines and creases along the forehead may also become smoother and less visible.

Benefits of Brow Lift Surgery

  • Fight the signs of aging: The eye area is one of the first to show your age. Correcting drooping lids and descending brows immediately restores a more youthful look.
  • Change your expression: Sagging and drooping brows can make you appear tired, stressed, angry, or sad. Some patients feel they look overly serious. Lifting the brow line will help soften your features and reveal your true expressions.
  • Minimize wrinkles: Forehead lines and wrinkles continue to become more prominent as we age. A brow/forehead lift will help tighten and smooth the skin’s appearance.
  • Improve confidence: There is no substitute for confidence. A brow/forehead lift will deliver a subtle yet powerful change that will influence how you feel about yourself.

Patient Results


Why Choose Dr. Pinsky for a Brow Lift?

  • Conservative approach: Dr. Mark Pinsky, one of our plastic surgeons, is acutely aware that an excessively tight brow lift can lead to an overly “done” look that appears unnatural. You can trust that he will use his judgment, expertise, and skill to avoid potential eyelid and brow distortions, or asymmetry.
  • Gender consciousness: Male and female brows are different in terms of height and configuration and require a different approach. Dr. Pinsky understands the nuances associated with retaining a masculine or feminine result.
  • Fluent in all surgical options: Depending upon your specific condition and goals, a correction may involve a coronal forehead lift, an endoscopic brow lift, a temporal lift or a combination of BOTOX® Cosmetic, fillers and/or fat grafting. Dr. Pinsky is familiar with all of the options, and will help determine the best approach for you.

How Does Brow Lift Surgery Work?

Each of the three types of brow lift is designed to correct a different area of concern. Depending on individual patient goals and physical needs, the specific technique used will vary:

Coronal Brow Lift

Using a horizontal incision along the hairline—depending on the height of the forehead and hair pattern—excess skin is trimmed and re-draped. Underlying muscles are tightened and the scar is typically hidden in the hairline.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

In an approach similar to arthroscopic surgery, a series of small incisions is made and a scope is used to guide specialized instruments to the appropriate treatment area. This procedure is utilized where there is little excess skin, and many patients prefer the smaller scalp incisions.

Temporal Brow Lift

In the case of sagging along the lateral eyebrow, a temporal approach involves an incision made along or within the hairline at the temple, just above the ear. The muscles along the brows are repositioned and secured with specialized sutures or dissolvable anchoring devices.

Brow lift surgery is performed at an accredited surgery center or hospital on an outpatient basis. The treatment requires general anesthesia, and usually takes about one hour to complete, unless it is combined with other cosmetic enhancement procedures.

Preparing for Your Brow Lift

Your surgeon will use the initial consultation to learn about patient goals and discuss which procedures may offer the best opportunity to achieve the desired outcome. There will also be an examination of the brow/forehead, and the doctor will ask several questions related to patient medical history. Additionally, prior to surgery patients will be urged to:

  • Stop taking aspirin or ibuprofen for at least two weeks
  • Stop drinking alcohol for at least two weeks
  • Stop smoking for at least six weeks
  • Stop taking herbal supplements and vitamins for two weeks
  • Reduce salt intake
  • Stay well-hydrated

The office will provide medication and complete instructions for follow-up care the day of surgery.

Recovery after Brow Lift Surgery

Following your surgery, your head will be carefully wrapped, and you may be instructed to wear a compression garment. After one or two days, the bandaging may be removed. To reduce swelling and discomfort, it is important to keep your head elevated and apply cold compresses as directed. Mild pain and discomfort are common post-surgery, but can be managed with medication. If you experience a sharp pain that is not alleviated by medication, you should contact us immediately. A drain may be placed, and is typically removed in the first few days.

You will need to avoid all strenuous activities for two weeks. If there are no complications, most patients can return to normal activities/office work after one week. Risks include bleeding, infection, poor healing, and widened scars—most of which are avoided by paying careful attention to pre and post surgery instructions.

It is possible to experience some temporary hair irregularities at the incision sites.

*Improvement is typically seen after a few weeks.

*Individual Results May Vary