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How a Facial Peel Works

In the world of facial rejuvenation procedures, injectables and dermal fillers (such as Botox® and Juvederm) get all the attention. They are fast, the recovery time is minimal for such a procedure, and they are relatively inexpensive. But injectables and fillers are not the only non-invasive facial procedures available that can turn back the hands of time and give that fresh, rested look that people are looking for without the need for surgery. For many people, a facial peel might just be the answer.

The chemical peel is one of the oldest facial procedures in the world. According to www.docshop.com, the chemical peel was even performed in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome to help people achieve smoother, younger looking skin. Techniques have improved since then, but the results are still the same! Fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, and uneven pigmentation can all be improved with the use of a chemical peel.

How does it work?

A chemical peel is a procedure in which a solution is applied to the skin to remove the damaged layer allowing fresh, healthier skin to shine through. Typically people with fair skin and light hair color are the the best candidates for a chemical peel, but people with darker skin pigmentation can have successful treatments as well. Depending on the depth of the chemical peel, this can be one of the least expensive facial rejuvenation procedures.

Because facial treatments are in such high demand they are now being offered in all types of settings. It is very important that you have a treatment such as a chemical or laser peel done under the supervision of a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Pinsky. When properly supervised, a chemical peel is a great option for facial rejuvenation and the risks associated are significantly reduced.

If you have ever considered a facial rejuvenation procedure make sure to include a facial peel as one of the many options to explore.