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Not all Board Certified Doctors are Plastic Surgeons

Board-certification is a significant achievement for any surgeon. To become board-certified, doctors must demonstrate their knowledge, as well as their commitment to excellence among their peers. The guidelines are strict and the bar is set high. This puts board-certified doctors among the elite in the healthcare field.

However, when it comes to plastic and cosmetic surgery, there are many physicians who are not board-certified, some not even certified in plastic surgery, that are performing cosmetic procedures and surgery. Plastic surgery is such a large industry; more doctors that aren’t certified to perform plastic surgery (such as gynecologists, dentists, dermatologists, and others) are taking interest in offering cosmetic procedures to patients. While these medical professionals are still experts in their fields, choosing a surgeon that is not board-certified in plastic surgery can come with risks.

It is a common myth that cosmetic surgery can be performed by any doctor; this is simply not true. Plastic and cosmetic surgery requires years of education and training to be performed well. Traditional surgery is focused on healing an infliction to the body, internally or externally. Issues such as scarring and appearance post-surgery are much less of a concern than curing the ailment. Plastic surgery, on the other hand, requires a delicate hand and an eye for aesthetics that traditional surgery does not offer. Cosmetic surgery performed by untrained non-aesthetic physicians, can lead to complications as well as unnatural looking results.

One of the most important reasons to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon is to determine what procedure is right for the individual. Physicians without the proper training may not have the judgment or experience to choose the correct procedure for each patient. This leads to poor results and potentially dangerous complications. A board-certified plastic surgeon is aware of various techniques to help a patient achieve his or her goal, knowing when to tell a patient a procedure is not appropriate or could cause more harm than good.

In some cases, physicians who are not board-certified in plastic surgery are not given surgical privileges in a medical facility. This forces these doctors to perform procedures in their medical offices. Having a surgical procedure outside of a certified medical facility is unwise. All surgical procedures come with some risk, and performing a procedure in a medical facility optimizes safety in the event of complications.

There are a variety of doctors across the country with various expertise in an assortment of areas. To ensure you get the treatment you want and the best possible results from your treatment, choose the doctor that is right for the treatment. When it comes to plastic surgery, choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon ensures that you will have a positive experience and the best chance for optimal results.

You wouldn’t go to a plastic surgeon to fill a cavity; why choose a doctor that is not a board-certified plastic surgeon? Look for board-certification in plastic surgery before moving forward. You’ll be glad you did!