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What Are INSPIRA Breast Implants?

Looking for a fuller, rounder contour from your breast augmentation surgery without compromising a soft feel? For soft, voluptuous breasts with added upper contour, Dr. Mark Pinsky may recommend Natrelle® INSPIRA breast implants. The Natrelle® INSPIRA by Allergan is a full, round, cohesive silicone gel implant that comes in two different degrees of softness – Responsive Gel and Soft Touch™ silicone gel.  Compared to regular round Natrelle® implants, INSPIRA is a more fully filled implant, which can provide a rounder contour and profile. Natrelle® INSPIRA is available in a variety of sizes and projections, which gives you many options when deciding on the right fit for your unique anatomy and aesthetic goals.

In addition to providing the look and feel that many women desire from their breast augmentation surgery, the features of Natrelle® INSPIRA breast implants also aid in preventing rupture and the appearance of rippling. Allergan has long been at the forefront of breast implant safety innovation and the Natrelle® INSPIRA aims to offer patients both enhanced safety and exemplary results.

With all of the breast implant options out there, choosing the right implant for your breast augmentation may seem overwhelming. Our goal at Pinsky Plastic Surgery is always to guide you in the direction of your aesthetic goals by helping you navigate breast implant options. Our surgeons will always answer any questions you have about breast implants and implant placement to assist you in achieving the look you desire.