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Post-operative Care For Breast Augmentation Patients

Following your breast augmentation surgery you will wake up inside of the recovery room and your incision will be covered with steri-strips and a small gauze dressing. It is totally normal to feel tired and sore for the next few days considering the procedure you have just completed. At first the implants may seem like they are not part of your body, but after a few weeks the breast implants will soften and begin to feel more and more natural. Also make certain that you have someone to assist you in getting home safely, and if possible have someone stay with you the first two days to make sure you are okay. Overall, despite the risks of any surgery, breast augmentation procedures are very safe and there are a wide variety of options. Here are few different things you may want to think about when pondering the various types of breast augmentation surgery available on the market today.

What Types of Exercise Would Be Helpful After Having Breast Augmentation Surgery?

It is highly recommended to take part in only low level activities the night following your surgery; this would include simple tasks like raising your arms above your head, and brushing your hair or teeth. These low level tasks can be resumed the next day, which may surprise some patients. You will want to begin walking at an easy pace, for a few minutes at a time, three times a day for the first 3 days after surgery. Be sure to avoid lifting over ten pounds for the first week and avoid aerobic activities such as a treadmill or bike for three weeks.

Can I Shower Following the Breast Augmentation Surgery?

You are able to shower 24 hours after your surgery, but be sure to remove the gauze before doing so. When you are showering it is fine to leave the steri-strips in place, they will remain for the next six weeks, just let the water rinse the breast area and then carefully pat dry.

How Important Are the Medications After Breast Augmentation Surgery?

The medications are extremely important with regard to your health and speedy recovery, so be sure to take whatever your physician has recommended. Many studies have shown that patients who are in pain and feeling high levels of stress can expect a much longer healing time, so by taking your medications you can encourage a much faster recovery. It is important to take these medications on time as well, so you avoid any potential infections. Some pain medications can upset the stomach so be sure to eat something and drink plenty of water when taking them.

Even if you are feeling good, please remember that you just had a surgical procedure and it is still recommended to take things slowly and get lots of rest to ensure the best recovery possible. If you try to force your recovery you will most likely lengthen your recovery process and possibly undo the positive results that you achieved from the procedure.