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Getting Plastic Surgery in Florida

You finally decided it’s time to get plastic surgery in Florida. That’s great!

Now wait!

Having plastic surgery is a life changing event; one that involves more than just making the leap to get it done. There are many things to consider before committing to your plastic surgeon.

The most important part of the decision is which doctor to choose. Finding the right plastic surgeon will make all the difference in the success of your procedure.

Start with seeking out a board certified surgeon. This is not like ordering take out. You wouldn’t just flip through the Yellow Pages until you find an ad that looks good. Look into your doctor’s credentials! If you cannot find a doctor listed on The American Board of Plastic Surgery, that is a big red flag right there! You want a doctor who specializes in the procedure you want and has proven him or herself more than competent to do the work.

Schedule a consult and ask lots of questions! The right plastic surgeon will be willing to discuss everything regarding your procedure. He or she will talk about your goals, potential risks, what you can expect from surgery and recovery. The right plastic surgeon may even recommend a different procedure to meet your goals. No doctor should just quickly agree to perform a cosmetic procedure without a thorough consultation. You should feel comfortable with the surgeon and staff. This is your team from the time of your surgery, through your recovery.

Dr. Pinsky is such a doctor. He has been performing plastic surgery in Florida for many years. He is board certified and realizes that you are a person and not just another procedure. He listens, and takes the time to learn what you want in order to help you get what you need.

Having cosmetic surgery procedure is a life changing event. Take the time to make the right choice for you. It’s your body and you deserve the best.