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ASAPS update: Neck Lift May be Effective in the Anti-aging Fight

Wrinkling and banding around the neck area can make you look years older than you actually are. Fortunately, cosmetic procedures can help tighten the skin around your neck and make you look younger.  Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Pinsky can evaluate you and determine the best solution to help you turn back the clock.

Neck lift may be effective in the anti-aging fight

Many plastic surgeons say that there are three areas that can instantly age a person – their eyes, lips and neck. And while many people focus on facial features when it comes to deciding which surgical or non-surgical cosmetic procedures to consider, some experts say focusing on the neck is crucial.

“The front of the neck is one of the primary features we use to guess a person’s age,” said a Texas-based plastic surgeon. “It often catches our eye first. Sagging neck skin is the telltale sign of true aging, so restoration of the neck is an important part of facial rejuvenation or facial plastic surgery.”

Banding, wrinkling and fullness of the neck are among the things that make one’s neck appear old. Experts say that each case must be considered independently to determine which method can result in a younger-looking neck area.

“The key is to identify the underlying problem,” explains the expert. “Is it wrinkles, or is it only deep lines that bother the patient? Maybe it’s just sagging skin, but not wrinkles. Perhaps the problem is both the skin and fat. Or, it could be all three: skin, fat and muscle.”

Deep lines in the neck can be treated with Botox®, excess fat in the neck can be removed with liposuction and loose skin can be tightened using radiofrequency or pulsed light skin tightening. In more severe cases, all three procedures may be utilized or a plastic surgeon will focus on improving the neck area during facelift surgery.

“If you properly correct the sagging neck in facial rejuvenation such as a face lift, that is the key to a youthful face and a happy patient,” said the Texas-based surgeon.