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Preparation is Key to a Successful Facelift Surgery

With so many Baby Boomers looking to extend youthfulness and vitality, facelifts are one of the most popular solutions for facial rejuvenation. While we’ve all seen people who take it too far, most patients are very pleased with their results and happy with a firmer, well-rested appearance.

Preparing for a facelift procedure involves much more than simply making the decision to move forward. To ensure the best possible results from your upcoming facelift you need to begin to ready yourself weeks prior to your procedure. Working with Dr. Mark Pinsky and our pre-surgical prep team can make for the smoothest possible procedure to achieve your desired results.

Your medical history plays an important role in the success of your facelift. Certain conditions can be of concern prior to your facial rejuvenation procedure and should be addressed. Uncontrolled hypertension, bleeding problems, or a history of scarring are all important medical issues that should be mentioned during your consultation and pre-surgery preparation.

Stopping tobacco use and smoking is obviously good for your health, but it will also improve your healing and lower your risk of complications. Science has proven that smokers do not heal as quickly as non-smokers, and patients who smoke also have a higher risk for hematoma and scarring. Working with Dr. Pinsky to kick the habit prior to facelift surgery can help improve the results of your procedure.

The preparations you make for your facelift surgery are not all about the lead-up to your treatment. Before going into surgery, you want to ensure your recovery plan is in place as well. Make sure you have transportation to and from the facility where you are having your facelift, and allow adequate time to rest and recover. Don’t try to rush back to work or start physical activities too soon. Follow the doctor-provided healing instructions to the “T.” Complications can arise for patients who take on too much too fast after a cosmetic surgery. Give your body the time it needs to ensure a smooth healing process and great-looking results.

Facelift surgery can be a sort of “fountain of youth” for many people, but the key to a successful procedure is preparation. Understanding what needs to be done, pre- and post-surgery, and sticking to it can increase the chances of attaining the best possible results.

For more information, or to schedule a consultation, please contact us today.