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3 out of 10 College Women Would Give Year of their Life to have A Perfect Body

A recent study conducted by the University of West England (UWE) shows that about 30% of college women in the United Kingdom are willing to give one year of their life to achieve their ideal body shape. According to the survey, 13% of women interviewed said that they are willing to give up £5000 from their annual salary to look great while 9% said that they are willing to give up spending time with their partners and friends to spend more time working on their physical appearance.

To improve their looks, 39% of the college women surveyed said that if they have the money, will have cosmetic surgery to improve their looks. Of the total number of women who want to have cosmetic surgery, 76% said that they are open to the possibility of getting multiple procedures to correct their physical faults and enhance their looks.

The willingness of women to sacrifice some comforts in life in order to look perfect highlights the issues of body image especially among young girls. The overall survey results suggest that poor body image is a very common problem among university students that there is a need for colleges and universities to offer positive body image programs to help young girls feel more comfortable under their skin.