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You Ought’a Be in Pictures!

It seems like everywhere you go someone is holding out a smartphone snapping pictures. And what’s worse, they’re posting and sharing the pictures on the Worldwide Web! If you are one of those “I don’t look good in pictures” people, then you’re like a lot of people over the age of 30. Younger people can’t get enough of snapping images of themselves and each other, but at 30+ it seems like more of us run from the camera or “hide” behind others.

It’s mostly a confidence thing – looking good, feeling good and wanting to capture and share the moment. If you don’t like your look, or think you look tired in all your pictures, it might be time to do something about it. You’re too young to hide. Rather than “flight” you might consider “fight” – fight the signs of aging and restore your image to being “iPhone ready.”

Consider talking with Dr. Mark Pinsky about facial rejuvenation. Choices today have gone way beyond choosing between Noxema® or a full facelift. With the aid of technology and biologics, new choices exist, starting with topicals and moving up to cosmetic injectables, then progressing from mini-lifts to full facelifts that address neck folds and jowls.

So stand your ground and stop choosing “flight” when someone pulls out a camera or smartphone. Choose to “fight” for your right to participate in the digital age! Maybe you’ll be like Norma Desmond in the 1950 film noir Sunset Boulevard, saying “All right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up.”

Let’s Talk

If you would like more information on our surgical and non-surgical cosmetic enhancement procedures, or if you would like to schedule a consultation here at Pinsky Plastic Surgery, please contact us today.