Taking Care of Your Breast Implants
Breast augmentation surgery is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the country. With advances in implant placement techniques, as well as the implants themselves, breast augmentation surgery is safer than it has ever been. Once a woman has made the decision to move forward with her breast augmentation surgery or breast lift with implants, the correct size has been chosen […]
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How Plastic Surgery Can Improve Lives
Many people believe cosmetic surgery is done solely for beauty purposes. While many plastic surgery procedures can result in men and women of all ages looking better, cosmetic solutions to various problems are often more about self-image and confidence than about pure vanity. In some cases, such as body contouring procedures after a significant weight loss, the surgical solution can […]
Continue ReadingThe Long Lasting Benefits of a Facelift
One of the biggest concerns of patients who are undergoing a cosmetic procedure is how permanent the solution or treatment will be. This rings particularly true when it comes to facial rejuvenation procedures such as face and brow lifts. While there is no miracle that can completely stop the effects of aging, a recent study shows great long term results […]
Continue ReadingBreast Reconstruction Awareness Day
This past October brought to the world the first ever BRA (breast reconstruction awareness) Day. This day was designed to educate women about options after mastectomy. BRA Day was created in response to a recent statistic that revealed 7 out of 10 women are unaware of their options for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. In an already difficult time, a […]
Continue ReadingCosmetic Surgery for Hope in the Future
The holiday season is upon us, and while it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of shopping frenzies and holiday parties, it is also a time to reflect on the things we are thankful for and hope for in the New Year. Each year, cosmetic surgeons across the world help people with a variety of […]
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Proper Healing Post-Plastic Surgery
The cosmetic surgery industry has seen significant growth over the last decade. The number of people who are both accepting of, and seeking out cosmetic surgery is at an all-time high. As a result, the most common procedures performed have become almost routine, and are often done on an outpatient basis. As such, more and more people are experiencing the […]
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How to Give the Gift of Cosmetic Surgery
The holiday shopping frenzy has begun. No sooner than the turkey was put away, shoppers were on pace to make this a record breaking year when it comes to holiday gift buying. While many people are lining up to clear the shelves of this year’s hottest electronic bargains, or trendiest toy, there is one gift that a person can give […]
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Fresh, Youthful Facial Skin Without Surgery
No matter how hard we might try to prevent it, we all grow older. Father Time looms over all of us, and one of the first places people tend to show the passage of time is on their face. As birthdays pass, age lines increase, jowls develop, and areas that were once full of life seem a little less vibrant. […]
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When to Embrace Plastic Surgery for Children
Plastic surgery for children is a hotly debated topic. The news is ripe with stories of young men and women seeking procedures to enhance or augment their bodies, well before their adult years. In many cases, it is best to wait until a patient has finished growing before making significant changes to his or her body. However, there is one […]
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Harvesting Fat for Cosmetic Surgery
When it comes to fat, almost everyone is eager to get rid of a bit of their own. The mere mention of the word is enough to make many people cringe. It’s a dirty word that nobody wants anything to do with – unless that person is a cosmetic surgeon! To a plastic surgeon, body fat might just be liquid […]
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