Home/Facial Procedures

The Skin Care Skinny on Combating Signs of Aging

The sun is a leading contributor to the early aging of your skin. And anti-aging cosmetic treatments are wildly popular with both men and women. You would almost have to be living under a rock (literally!) to be unaware of the importance of protecting your skin, but for many of us, sunscreen and cover-ups are the start and end of […]

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Let Our Plastic Surgeon Help You Find Your Inner Beauty

With today’s modern medical advances in the world of plastic surgery, we tend to focus on all the ways we can make ourselves more beautiful; however, we sometimes forget to focus our attention on the appearance of beauty in other aspects of the world. One occasionally forgotten beautiful art form is poetry. Did you know that April is also Poetry […]

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Facial Rejuvenation for Your Best Skin Now

Non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments are becoming more and more popular. Skin treatments are among the most commonly performed procedures for people striving to combat the signs of aging. Whether you are in your 30’s or approaching retirement, non-surgical skin treatments can help you look and feel years younger. The importance of skin care has become well known over the last decade. Whether […]

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Cosmetic Surgery Can Help You Restore the Beauty in You

What is beauty? Day in and day out we are surrounded by trends in cosmetic procedures and images we are told are beautiful, but what does it truly mean? What elements need to be in place for someone or something to be beautiful? It is a common word with a very difficult definition. “Beauty” is hard to define because it […]

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Give Back to Yourself with Cosmetic Surgery

If you’ve been thinking about your looks (and who doesn’t?), maybe it’s time to stop thinking about trying a different cream and start planning for a real perk-me-up . . . a cosmetic surgery procedure. It can be so easy to prioritize everything else, thinking that the time “for me” is just around the corner, at the end of the […]

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Playing Favorites with Your Health

Don’t play favorites – take care of yourself from the inside out. While there’s a lot of information out there about having a healthy heart and keeping your brain at its peak, not everyone thinks about caring for their largest organ, their skin. Your skin helps maintain your body temperature, keeps out dangerous bacteria that can cause infection, and helps […]

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What’s Trending? Make it Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatments for Me Please!

Ever heard the phrase “all change is good”? When it comes to plastic surgery, that is definitely true! Treatment options and trends change annually, presenting exciting new options all the time. While cosmetic and plastic surgery treatments are still very popular, more and more patients are opting for non-surgical options. More patients are seeking treatments with minimal downtime and minimal […]

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You Ought’a Be in Pictures!

It seems like everywhere you go someone is holding out a smartphone snapping pictures. And what’s worse, they’re posting and sharing the pictures on the Worldwide Web! If you are one of those “I don’t look good in pictures” people, then you’re like a lot of people over the age of 30. Younger people can’t get enough of snapping images […]

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More Men Seeking Plastic Surgery Procedures

Brotox. Chinplant. Executive surgery. The rapid rise in the number of men undergoing plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures has spawned its own verbal shorthand. No longer reserved for politicians and Hollywood actors, cosmetic surgery is going mainstream with American men. In 2011, the most recent year complete statistics are available, over 800,000 men underwent cosmetic procedures, either surgical or minimally […]

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What the Bags Under Your Eyes Say About You

As time passes, many people look in the mirror and notice that they have developed bags under their eyes that make them look tired and older. This loose skin under the eyes may be because of a genetic predisposition or it may be because of certain lifestyle habits. Unfortunately, these heavy pockets of skin often make others think you are […]

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